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 Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker

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Join date : 2009-07-14

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PostSubject: Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker   Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker Icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 11:57 am

As a fellow poker player dedicated to protecting our rights to play this great American game, I hope that you’ll join me in a new effort to urge support for online poker.

Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives have asked the American people to submit ideas through a new website -- AmericaSpeakingOut.com -- on how to continue to make this great nation prosper. I believe we shouldn’t pass up this unique opportunity to share our message of personal freedom and liberty with these members of Congress.

As you may recall, the Republican Party included a prohibition on Internet gaming in its 2008 policy platform. We must remind the GOP leadership that millions of Americans want them to support our poker rights and not misguided prohibitions.

I have posted a comment on AmericaSpeakingOut.com calling on Congress to ensure my freedom by licensing and regulating online poker. I need your help to vote for my comment and help it become one of the top – if not the top – issue on AmericaSpeakingOut.com. It just takes a few minutes.

  1. Go to the PPA shortcut: http://go.theppa.org/register1 to create an account (requires an email address). Note: to login using Facebook, go to step 3.
  2. After submitting your information, a confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address. In the email, click on the account confirmation link.
  3. Go to the PPA shortcut: http://go.theppa.org/fossilman and click the "thumbs up" icon. You can also search on the site for the keyword "fossilman". Share your own thoughts in the comments section by clicking "Post Response" and a box will appear.

Here are some additional actions you can take to support poker on www.americaspeakingout.com:

   * Go to the PPA shortcut: http://go.theppa.org/poker1 or go to the search box on the upper right hand corner of the page and search for "poker".
         o Click the "thumbs up" icons on the pro-poker submissions.
         o Add comments supporting poker.
   * Forward this email to all your friends and ask them to vote and submit their requests!

Together, we can make a difference by telling Congress to protect our freedom!

Proud to play,
Greg "Fossilman" Raymer
2004 WSOP Champ and PPA Member .

The Poker Players Alliance
Dedicated to Protecting America's Favorite Card Game

The Poker Players Alliance is a nonprofit membership organization comprised of poker players and enthusiasts from around the United States who have joined together to speak with one voice to promote the game and to protect poker players' rights. Visit us at theppa.org
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Join date : 2009-07-14

Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker Empty
PostSubject: 1-day fundraising drive    Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2010 11:46 am

On July 1st, the PPA will be launching an unprecedented 1-day fundraising drive with the goal of raising $50,000 in support of our advocacy and grassroots efforts. We are asking all loyal poker supporters to make a donation to the PPA – even if it’s just $5 – on July 1st.

We have seen great momentum in our efforts to protect the rights of poker players like you. In a few weeks, we will hope to reach another milestone. We are anticipating a vote in the House Financial Services Committee on legislation that will license and regulate online poker – and that will help determine the future of online poker in the United States.

In preparation for this historic vote, we need to widen our grassroots reach. To do this, we need your help. Your donation of $5, $10, $20 or more will help the PPA reach out to more poker players who can demand that their Members of Congress protect their rights.
Poker Money Bomb - Help the PPA raise $50K in 1 Day
Time:12:00AM Thursday, July 1st
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Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker   Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 1:14 am

On July 1, the PPA held its first ever money raising drive over the Internet. The one-day "Poker Money Bomb" was a huge success and raised more than our goal of $25,000 that will immediately be used to advance our advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill. We expect a vote in the House Financial Services Committee on legislation to license and regulate Internet poker soon, and we are beefing up all our resources to ensure that we win this critical vote. Thank you to all who donated on July 1. If you would like to make a donation to help us fight for poker you still can..

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PostSubject: Re: Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker   Join Greg "Fossilman" Raymer's Online Effort to Tell Congress to Support Poker Icon_minitime

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