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 'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker

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'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker Empty
PostSubject: 'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker   'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker Icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 12:04 am

This is posted in npp forum..If any1 is interested plz answer here and/or at the npp forum..Would like to see our members who play on npp participate..Thx;Kaj n Kam
Hi all, we want to run a 'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.).
A 2k freeroll will be up for grabs for the winning forum.

We need to know:
How many forums/members are interested?
How many games we should make it (1 or 2 per week)?
How many games total til final?
Best time to run these games?

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'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker Empty
PostSubject: GAME SETUP/RULES..   'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 7:59 am

Hi NoPay Players/Forum Admin,

NoPayPoker has agreed to fund a monthly forum challenge.
The winning forum will get a freeroll named after their forum, valued at 2000 FreeD's.

The detail on how it will be run is as follows:

The game NPP Monthly Forum Challenge (MFC) will be played on a Saturday evening at 11:00pm game clock time (which is 23:00pm GMT), 6:00pm EST. Each forum needs 5 playing members and I need details of the players you have chosen to play for your forum. In the case of a player being unable to play, I will allow each team to name up to 5 subs. The MFC will be played under private and will be a passworded game that will be provided on the day the team games begin. The game will be set up 2 hours before start time. If a team has only 4 players I will get a none-playing forum member to join. This player will sit “away” the whole game and, no matter where he/she finishes, they will not earn any points for that forum or any forum.

The MFC games points will work as follows:

Based on 4 forums.

1st place earns 20 points
2nd 19 points
3rd 18 points
4th 17 points
5th 16 points
6th 15 points
7th 14 points
8th 13 points
9th 12 points
10th 11 points
11th-20th 5 points

Based on 5 forums or 6 forums

1st place earns 20 points
2nd 19 points
3rd 18 points
4th 17 points
5th 16 points
6th 15 points
7th 14 points
8th 13 points
9th 12 points
10th 11 points
11th-20th 5 points
21st-25th 3 points (based on 5 forums)
26th-30th 2 points (based on 6 forums)
31st-40th 1 points (based on 7 or 8 forums playing)

The winning team is the team with the highest score. If in the case of a draw, the team whose player got the furthest in the tournament is the winner. For example:
Chatsbanned earned 54 points as did Kaj'n'Kam, but a Chatsbanned member came second and a Kaj'n'Kam member came third…the win goes to Chatsbanned.

The rules are simple.

1) No more than 5 players in the game
2) Follow all NPP playing rules

If we get enough interest, we can run this once a month starting November. We need to know if your interested by 31st of October so we can set up our first game. I look forward to your replies and feed back on this matter. Thank you all for your time on this matter.

Best of luck

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Posts : 799
Join date : 2009-07-14

'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker   'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker Icon_minitimeFri Nov 06, 2009 12:25 pm

They have canceled this for now..
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'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker   'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker Icon_minitime

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'Forum Challenge' (ex CB, PPO, KamNKaj, Volts, etc.). NoPayPoker
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