Where friends can stay connected and discuss poker..Just for Fun - Totally Random..
With the above statement ,we still would like you to adhere to a few forum rules..That way all may enjoy it here and make this place a 2nd home,to hang out at..
(1) Please respect your fellow members of this. While this is an Adult Site, and of course "friendly banter" is welcomed. The Administration;Moderators and I take a very strong stance on Personal Vendetta's, Abusive Verbal Attacks on Members, Drama Kings/Queens etc.
Racism or any kind of Discrimination will not be tolerated. .
(2) Please also respect all the Administrators and Moderators around the forum. We all work extremely hard, and although we will always try our very best to answer any question's you may have, please realize that we have lives offline too, which may result in delayed responses. We all do this, unpaid and in their own free time, so please respect this and always be polite and courteous,to them.
(3)If we suspect that any of the above is taking place, you will be given a warning, if the same behavior were to continue, it would result in an automatic IP and Member BAN!!!
Kaj n Kam